1. Know if you're going to complete your move or have us do it for you. Making this decision 2 months prior to move date can save stress and dinero. With Summer here, dates are full weeks in advance. EARLIER = BETTER (Unlike flying there are no last minute deals in moving)
2. Set up a budget. No matter if you have "no budget" on this move. There should always be a budget! Spending money carelessly is no longer attractive in '09! Budget includes your packing materials!
3. When to start on packing. Careful not to start to close to your move date. For an average 3 bedroom house, then you want to start your packing about 4 weeks prior to the move date. Packing takes up the most time, and usually when people decide that it's a job too big for them to handle on their own. If so, you're still ahead of the curve and are likely to get the day you requested for your move. As well, use our next blog to help you decide how many boxes you will need for your home.
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